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Found 3626 results for any of the keywords macos sequoia. Time 0.010 seconds.
macOS Sequoia - ApplemacOS Sequoia brings effortless window tiling, web browsing with fewer distractions, new iPhone Mirroring, and support for Apple Intelligence.
macOS Sequoia - Apple (CA)macOS Sequoia brings effortless window tiling, web browsing with fewer distractions, new iPhone Mirroring and support for Apple Intelligence.
Identify your MacBook Pro model - Apple SupportUse this information to find out which MacBook Pro you have, and where it fits in the history of MacBook Pro.
Identify your iMac model - Apple SupportUse this information to find out which iMac you have, and where it fits in the history of iMac.
Apple security releases - Apple SupportThis document lists security updates and Rapid Security Responses for Apple software.
가상 머신을 사용하여 Mac에서 Windows 실행 | Parallels DesktopParallels Desktop 가상 머신을 다운로드하여 Mac 재부팅 또는 속도 저하 없이 Mac에서 Windows를 실행하고 200,000개 이상의 Windows 앱을 가져옵니다.
使用虚拟机在 Mac 上运行 Windows | Parallels Desktop下载 Parallels Desktop 虚拟机,在 Mac 上运行 Windows,无需重启,也不会降低 Mac 运行速度,同时还可获得超过 20 万款 Windows 应用程序。
Esegui Windows su Mac con una macchina virtuale | Parallels DesktopScarica la macchina virtuale Parallels Desktop per eseguire Windows su Mac senza riavviare o rallentare il tuo Mac, e in più ottieni oltre 200.000 applicazioni Windows.
Voer Windows uit op een Mac met een virtuele machine | Parallels DesktDownload de virtuele machine van Parallels Desktop om Windows op een Mac uit te voeren zonder rebooten of je Mac te vertragen en krijg toegang tot meer dan 200.000 Windows-apps.
Führen Sie Windows mit einer virtuellen Maschine auf Ihrem Mac aus | PLaden Sie mit Parallels Desktop eine virtuelle Maschine herunter, um Windows auf Ihrem Mac auszuführen, ohne dass Ihr Mac langsamer wird oder neu gestartet werden muss, und nutzen Sie über 200.000 Windows-Anwendungen.
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